Located in the south of China, the province of YUNNAN is considered one of the world’s most beautiful areas. The landscape is characterised by fertile, extensive fields, picturesque rivers and lakes, as well as majestic mountains.
Locally the region is described as the province of eternal spring and the kingdom of plants. There’s an unmatched floral diversity in the pristine nature of this magnificent landscape. More than 90 % of the herbs and plants that have been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for nearly 5000 years have their origin in the highlands of YUNNAN. Scientists of TCM attribute a far greater effectiveness to them, than to comparable medicinal plants or teas from other regions of the earth.
The original tea plant (Camellia Sinesis) also has its origin in YUNNAN. Among tea authorities YUNNAN is considered as the „cradle of tea“. In the highlands there are still wild tea trees, growing up to 30 metres tall and reaching over 1000 years old.